Monday, October 6, 2008

My week

Hi there!! It's been awhile again since i log in to blogspot. Well i was having quite a challenging and fun 7 days last week. I've gone back my beloved hometown , Ipoh.When it comes to Ipoh, I always look forward of going there. Why, if you would a ask me , well i would spill the beans saying that it's because of my verocious habits on FOOD!! haha, Im such a fatty. Ipoh is where good food are originated from. Its rich from halal to non halal food such as Ipoh tauge noodles to dim sum and my most favourite dishes from my grandmother.

I have had fetishes on my grandmothers food since young. If you are wondering why i used grandmothers, it is because both of my grandmothers lived nearby in ipoh and that's how my mum and dad become lover. Lol, alrite i think i have to halt before i get into too detail about my parents history, i know i'll make you grew old if i do. Well besides having a lots of EXTRA meal during stay there, i learn if you are a enviroment lover, you will learn that you can find tranquil and peace in your mind there.Well i certain have!!Please dont get me wrong this can implies in any of your hometown too. Im sure everyone have different perspective and opinion of each your hometown. Its certainly would be interesting to hear your voice on what sort of hometown is yours.

Well putting aside the commotion of my adventure in ipoh, i have gone to church last week and i learnt from god about overcoming your unsolved past adversities,discontentment ,conflict or problem you faced that has come i have come across in past and in present.I learnt that putting aside and ignoring the difficulties you have in life will not produced a fruitfull and prosperous life.That why a real solution is to solve whatsoever challenges you are facing immediate and if situation becomes really tough you ought to believe that there will be a way out with requirement that you have to believe in your god. Surely there is a way out and the key is to hold on and do not give out until you see light.

So to all the students that are facing SPM in early November this year, Press On and Do Not Give Up!! With that , see ya until next time !!

With regards,
Dic Vinn

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